Friday, July 5, 2013


Ok, so the photo doesn't have the best lighting, but I think this cheesey ladybug is pretty cool. If you have some extra time you can jazz it up with some red bits. Maybe slice some strawberries and garnish the bottom of the lunchbox?


How to

  • The ladybug shell is made from cheese slices. Hand cut the slices and use straw to poke out the holes.
  • Use two of the circles you poked out from the shell as the eyes. In this one my wife cut a circle seaweed shape and put them under the cheese circles to give a nice out line effect.

What-is-it score: 3 out of 3

  • Girl: It's a cute ladybug!
  • Boy: Ladybug, ladybug ...
  • Dad: It's some kind of beetle ... oh wait it's a ladybug right? Why is it yellow? Shouldn't it be red?

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